Tuesday, August 9, 2011

a slight setback

Well, rats.

In my recent post (#250) I mentioned that I had racked up enough hours requisite to become a commercial pilot.

I spoke too soon.

Caveats will be the death of me. I need two-hundred and fifty hours, yes, but fifty of those hours must be pilot-in-command time. (A PIC is the guy who is ultimately in charge of the airplane, safety, flight planning, and all that stuff. Solo time counts as this. Dual instruction does not.) I have over 250 hours of dual instruction, but only twelve hours' time as PIC.


That means I have to acquire at least 38 more hours of PIC time (at about $100 per hour) before I'm even close to being able to become a commercial pilot.

As you may have heard, I'm going back to Korea pretty soon. There really isn't time (or money) enough to get my commercial ticket before I leave. So, as tragic as it is, I'll have to wait until I get back to finish. But I will, never fear. I still entertain vague hopes of becoming a licensed seaplane pilot and starting up an airline in the bowels of Alaska somewhere. Which I will most certainly blog about, of course.

But for now, flying's going on hold again.

I know, you're crushed.


Carrie said...

:/ I hate it when things like that happen. But hey, you'll get there! I you can muddle through Moby Dick, I have faith that you're a super hero in disguise and can manage virtually anything.

Carrie said...


Darn typos.