Sunday, November 27, 2011

disheartening dispatches, #1

Seems like I've got nothing to relate but bad news or maudlin musings these days, don't it?

I'm dreadfully sorry. This is supposed to be the Sententious Vaunter, not the Lugubrious Downer. I tell you what I'll do: from now on, whenever I'm posting bad news up on this blog, I'll label it with the above title. "Disheartening dispatches" should inform you that the following content is morose and sorrowful and downhearted, and, thus forewarned, you may skip it if you want. That way I won't ruin your day.

We got some more bad news about Korea.

"What else could possibly go wrong?" I hear you ask. I know, right? Don't seem possible.

Remember that lovely position in Cheonan I told you about? The one that started in December? The one I was absolutely jazzed about? The one that would royally save our necks (and wallets, and sanity)?

We're not getting it.

They gave it to somebody else.

We're back to Square One.

I knew it was a good idea to remain "cautiously optimistic."

Apparently the English academies in Korea are serviced by multiple recruiters, and even though I contacted our recruiter and volunteered us for the position, it had already gone to some other couple through some other recruiter. We waited several days for a phone interview from the school, but nothing materialized. So I finally called our recruiter to ask what happened, and it was only then that they gave us the bad news.


So this is pretty much how Miss H and I are feeling right now:

To say that this back-and-forth, up-and-down roller-coaster ride has inflicted a heavy toll on the two of us would be a gross understatement.

But we do have a few other prospects. We're slowly pushing through an application/interview process with Aclipse, but the soonest we can now get to Korea will be 2012 (most likely February).

And yet, hope springs eternal. Determined not to remain discouraged for long, we came up with Plan B. It's wise in this economic climate to cultivate multiple options, so instead of putting all of our hopes on Korea, we're going to hedge our bets.

We're planning a two- to three-day trip to Las Vegas late this week. Vegas, baby. That's the nearest place we decided we'd be okay with living. Others more far-flung (Chicago, Seattle, Anchorage) will have to wait. We're only 200 miles or so away from the Nevada border, here in our little corner of the desert; easy driving distance. So we plan to head up there this weekend and pound the pavement. We'll scour the classifieds, hit the streets, and shotgun applications all over the place.

I'm fairly hopeful about this endeavor. Job-hunting websites are all well and good, but nothing beats actually going to the city of your choice and having a look in person. And it sure would be a kick to live in Vegas. Despite Nevada's high unemployment, I'm confident I can find a bartending position there: they have more bars per capita in Vegas than...than...well, heck, think about it. Pick a casino, any casino. There's a bar every six feet. The hotels all have bars. And there are regular ol' free-standing bars not attached to any particular edifice. There's gotta be a job for me in one of 'em. Las Vegas is awash with airports and airlines, too, so I imagine it won't be difficult to get the rest of my commercial requirements (and perhaps even my instrument rating) done. Then I could start flying for one of those Grand Canyon tour companies, perhaps...!

Well, that's all pie in the sky right now. Again, I must remain cautiously optimistic. But I'll keep you posted on all this. Miss H and I aren't giving up no matter what the world throws at us. We're far stronger than that hard, cold, cruel place. This is just the bumpy road we have to get over before we turn left on Easy Street.

Stay tuned. And sorry for the bad news.

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