Tuesday, February 28, 2012

to-do list for March

Here's what I've got so far:

  • go visit my Korean friend down on Geoje Island
  • get a wastebasket and a reading lamp
  • compile some simple Korean recipes and start actually cooking for myself
  • venture forth to Itaewon and find What the Book?, the English-language bookstore I mail-ordered from when I was here before
  • buy some booze and get the bar running again

No doubt other items will make their appearance in due time.

My friend down on Geoje-do is Charles, the liaison I worked with at Reading Town. He's got his own hagwon now and I'd love to stop by and see how he's doing. He took good care of me when I was here before.

I made some delicious bulgogi for myself the other night, and I want to get all the necessaries for bibimbap (one of my favorites) and cook up a batch.

What the Book? seriously saved my bacon when I was languishing with homesickness. I ordered a stack of books and started going through them like they were cocaine and I was Kobe Bryant. I spent a lot of money, sure, but the bookstore's rates are very reasonable and they do free shipping on orders over a certain amount. But now I'm close enough to just ride the subway there and buy books directly from the store! Hot diggity dog!

And the last one's self-explanatory. I need to get the cocktail bar back in business. I called it the Hole in the Wall when I was down in Geoje, and now that I'm here in Bucheon I see [cough] no reason to change things.

Friends, furniture, food, books, and booze...I'm quite the epicurean, aren't I?


Jane Jones said...

SOunds like a good to-do list, friend. And I agree, books are often better than medication, and more effective at dealing with those ailments that are harder to diagnose. Such as homesickness. Or loneliness. Or just the plain old boring Blues.
Glad to hear you are doing well and keeping busy. If you perfect any simple and delicious Korean recipes, pleeeease share!

A.T. Post said...

I'm working up a good simple recipe for bibimbap...just as soon as I figure out what the ingredients are. I'll keep working on it. Thanks for stopping in, Jane. You lend such pith and depth to this space with your comments.