Sunday, May 13, 2012


No, I'm not dead.

Yes, I've let this thing slide for a while.

Whenever I vanish for a while, you may assume that I am having oodles of fun in some obscene and irreverent way, and will have a host of scintillating tales to relate to you upon my return. In fact, you may anticipate it without doubt. I shall soon regale you with a master litany of my assorted doings during this lamentable lacuna, but for the nonce, content thyself with the knowledge that I've lapsed into Shakespearean English for no apparent reason., seriously, content yourself with the knowledge that I am still extant, and plan to update this blog thoroughly before the week is out. Just gimme a while, okay?

One more thing: it seems, judging by that Sheep Counter over there on the right, that almost 90,000 people have viewed my blog at some point. The number has been rising at a growing rate over the past few months; I anticipate breaking 100k before autumn comes.

Now if I could just find some way to make 90% of those visitors stay longer than 1.2 seconds...

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