Saturday, January 22, 2011

someone owes me three weeks of my life

Greetings, sportsfans!

Yes, as you may have noticed, I've been out recently. I intended to keep up a more frequent blog in 2011, but working six days a week caused my entries to fall off sharply in late 2010. And I've sort of spaced out these last few weeks.


I've been sick.

For nearly three weeks, yes.

First they thought it was mono. Then they didn't. Then they thought it was again. Then, apparently, they thought it was "some sort of viral infection that will probably go away by itself."


Great. That's lucid.

I was prepared to ride it out. All I had was a fever and some aches. No sniffles, no sinus problems, no cough, nothing. I was living large, not going to work, mooning around the house in my bathrobe all day, Moby-Dick in one hand and a mug of hot chocolate in the other. (But please don't ask me how much writing I've done during this sudden unexpected vacation. You're better off not knowing.)

Heck, I thought I was on the road to recovery. I was feeling pretty good. I even went back to work. It sure was grand to be back in the Mooney and flying 6,000 feet above the desert floor. My right ear refused to pop coming back down again, but I shrugged it off.

Then the sore throat began.

It came out of nowhere that very evening. All of a sudden I was wincing as I swallowed. A stabbing whack of pain bolted from my palate to my tonsils every time I did.

Certain people near and dear to me insisted that I go back to the doctor. (Thanks, Ma. Still looking out for me.)

So, one doctor's appointment and a gag-inducing throat swab later, it became apparent that, not only do I have strep throat, but also an ear infection.

Now that's just mah-veluss.

What we figure is that the ear infection came on first, which explains the fever and aches I had for the first two weeks. Then the strep throat bacteria just saw its opportunity (my immune system already compromised) and dove right in.

Oh well. At least I have a definite diagnosis now (and drugs, huzzah!).

I'm kind of glad it wasn't mono. That means I stand to recover from it sooner. Mono would've created an extremely awkward situation, given that my girlfriend doesn't have it.

Speaking of my girlfriend, she's been an absolute angel throughout all this. Despite long days babysitting five rambunctious children and giving her friends rides down to lesser Los Angeles, she's never missed the chance to come up here and look after me. I still get hugs and kisses even though I'm sick and greasy and disgusting. I feel at once fortunate and extremely humbled. Thanks, Miss H. You're a doll. When this is over, you and I are heading out on the town. I'll treat you to the evening of your life.

There's just one last thing left to settle before I can do that, though.

I want those three frickin' weeks of my life back.

Somebody owes me big for this, and I'm collecting.

The hammer-headed cross-eyed lame-brained weevil who gave me this ear infection is dead. I'm going to string him up by his thumbs and burn the epithet "WAX-MEISTER" onto his stomach with a branding iron. He's cheated me out of a fortnight's pay.

And as for the scene-stealing four-flushing irredeemable ass-hat who transmitted the rest of this bacteria unto me...well, if you're there when I catch up to him, I just hope you turn away. Just look in the other direction. You've been given fair warning. It'll put you off your lunch for the next 10 years. It'll make the Spanish Inquisition look like a pillow fight.

Anyway, that's why I've been out. More and better posts should be coming within the next few days. There's exciting news in the offing, on all fronts. Stay tuned...

P.S. Oh yeah, I have a question to ask you guys. Does anybody know how to change the color of your blog title with this new blog editor thingy? I want to make it lighter. Can't hardly see the dark blue print against the control cabin of that B-17...


Jerry said...

Jeez -- you were laid up. I had wondered where you disappeared to. I'm glad you are on even keel now. Oh -- hang on to Miss H. She sounds precious -- and if she could put up with your evil sickness -- she is beyond precious.

Susan Carpenter Sims said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better. I was hit by the worst cold in years over the holidays, and it lasted about as long as your illness. Simultaneously, I my van was in the shop that whole time, so I spent the whole holidays in this weird housebound daze.

Jane Jones said...

I just spent the past week sick in bed with the flu. Today was the first time Ive been outside since last Sunday. So I can sort of feel your pain, buddy.
Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery though! Dont take things too fast right away, since relapses are no ones friend. And your girlfriend deserves a medal! Speedy recovery, from across the Atlantic

Liza said...

Okay, so I didn't miss you for the last three weeks...mostly because I didn't know you. Now I do and I'll be back. A lot. Athough I get a bit squeamish, I chuckled when I read your description of what you are going to do with the various germ carriers who bestowed illness upon you. Feel better soon.

Jon Paul said...

Aren't epithet and waxmeister redundant? I think if you look it up, you might discover those words are synonyms.

Dude--I hope you get to feeling better. And yeah, flying with a head-cold is bad bad bad for the mojo. Blew an eardrum out once--it wasn't a pretty sight.

Hope you get to feeling better soon. Ciao!

A.T. Post said...

Jerry: Thanks for the concern. Yeah, I think Miss H is worth keeping around. I'll see what I can do.

Polly: Holy cow, you too?! My Jeep overheated and scuffed some pistons in December. It's been inoperable since Christmas. I was housebound during my illness as well. That's...that's almost spooky. Hope you're feeling better now.

Jeez, Jane, this has been a BAD winter for ailments. Everybody's turning into a sickie. Thanks for the kind wishes. No worries, I'm still chillaxin'.

Liza: Well hello! Welcome and come on in! Glad to have you. Glad you enjoyed your time here. I'll be off to check out Middle Passages shortly. Hope you like what you'll see here.

JP: I'll be darned. So they are. Wish I could say I meant to do that, heh heh.

I'm feeling pretty much back together today, thanks for asking. And YOWCH! You BLEW OUT an eardrum? I thought I had problems. Nice to have a veteran pilot around to get some aviation perspective from. Thanks for stopping in, pal.

Olivia J. Herrell, writing as O.J. Barré said...

Hey Postie, just peeking in to see how you're doing and dang, you're sick. Glad you're on the mend now and I'm soooo happy for you and Miss H. You sound googly happy and that's a good thing.

I've missed your smiling 'face'.

~that rebel, Olivia