Thursday, November 8, 2012

well, rats

I can't say much right now because it's 1:26 p.m. KST and I have work in thirty minutes. But I've been having a hard time lately. Somebody's karma ran over my dogma or something.

Long story short (pun intended), I'm five thousand words behind on my NaNoWriMo project. I have three tests left to grade and input. Miss H has gone home for two weeks to get some stuff done. The cat's acting crazy and I'm getting over a head cold. But hey, at least the weather's nice. It's cool and moist. There was a luscious thick fog at 5:00 this morning and it was so dense I couldn't even see the neon sign on the church a hundred yards away. (Yes, the churches here light up their crosses with red or blue neon lights, and usually have illuminated names, too.)

Excuse me, I'm going to go grade the hell out of those tests and then eat me some stir-fried squid over rice (ojingeo deopbap, for your edification). TGIF, people. TGIF.

From the correct side of the International Dateline, this is Postie. Over and out.

1 comment:

Murr Brewster said...

Hey, I've never done NaNoWriMo, but this year I felt particularly off the hook. I'd forgotten all about it but I finished writing my novel on October 31st. I'm pretty sure that gives me a pass.

Is it true that the squid can glom onto you from the inside partway down if you don't chew thoroughly? I'm pretty sure it's true. Something bad happens with clams, too. Pretty sure.