Thursday, February 21, 2013

weekly installments

Another lacuna! I've neglected the blog once again. I'll offer the usual excuses. Work has been even nuttier than usual in the rush leading up to my final week. I'm done at the end of February and there's tests to grade, comments to give, and a presentation contest to conduct. I have an exciting new job lined up, though, which I'll fill you in on soon.

But that's not what I want to talk to you about today. I want to talk about the regular posts I used to do. Cocktails, travel destinations, et cetera. I let the travel thing slide because I hadn't been to most of the countries I was talking about, and posting about them felt hollow and fraudulent. I still do the occasional cocktail review, but only every month or two.

I'd rather like to get back into doing weekly/monthly installment posts again. Regular columns, if you will. It'd give me an excuse to blog more often and it'd be more fun for you, the reader. You'd get a series of short posts about nothing important, instead of all these honking long and doughty ones.

Here's what I think I'll do. Aviation posts have been thin and far between since I came back to Korea, for obvious reasons. So I think I'll start doing an "airplane of the week" column. I'll post a lovely picture of some unusual aircraft (or a mundane airplane in a fantastic setting) and let you mull over it. Something nice and easy to keep aviation a part of this blog.

I have access to a lot of awesome sci-fi art, too, so maybe once a month I'll put up a fascinating digital painting or a computer-generated image to stimulate your imaginations (and remind you why I'm into science fiction).

And of course I'll keep up with the cocktail reviews. More often, in fact. And I'll share more frequent tidbits about Korea, as promised. Maybe I'll even make it a column: "Korean tidbits, episode 34" or something.

That's all I can think of for now. Stay tuned. This blog is going to have a lot more eye-candy from now on.

                                                                                                                                             Original art by Bill Watterson

Yes. That kind of eye-candy.

1 comment:

Mia Hayson said...

Bring it on! :-) I love your posts regardless of their timing but I can't complain about this plan (slightly related: I just spent some time catching up on your posts, lamented at my inability to actually read things on time, and then told myself off because... well, you know, don't waste time lamenting and all that). I love sci-fi art (I mean, I love flicking through sci-fi art books in bookshops) but I know little about it so I am looking forward to that the most. :-)