Wednesday, March 6, 2013

long story short...

Item One: The final week at my old hagwon was bittersweet, but not as bittersweet as the last time I departed a hagwon. There were some tears, some notes, some presents, but on the whole it was a painless separation. Just the way I like it.

Item Two: Miss H and I successfully moved ourselves, our cat, and a bazillion cardboard boxes (seriously, where did it all come from?) between our old apartment in Bucheon and our new apartment in eastern Seoul. This was accomplished with a few phone calls by Miss H, a Kia Bongo, and an old Korean man who spoke nary a word of English.

Item Three: I am now an assistant professor of English (contract position, non-tenure track) at Sejong University, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul. My first day was Monday, March 4.

I'd love to give you all the gory details of the last two weeks, and bring you up to speed on the myriad intervening developments, but I have no time. The Internet router has just been installed in this new apartment and I have to send an e-mail to the folks and grandparents and give them the skinny first. Then I'll jump off the bed, turn off the lamp (no more comfy armchair for me), put on my shoes, grab my keys (no more keypad door locks, either) and walk ten minutes down Gwangjang Street to Miss H's kindergarten, where I'll meet her at 6:40 p.m. and take her out for Chinese at a charming little place one street behind our villa.

But I'll get back to you, I promise. Details are coming. This weekend I hope to render at least three posts: departing Bucheon, becoming a professor, and moving in a foreign country, plus anything else that's relevant. I crave your indulgence for these interminable delays.


Jane Jones said...

You are alive! And you made it through the stress! (Also, yeah, something is up with my blog. I'll try to fix that soon.) Can't wait to hear more my friend. Stay well.

Emmie said...

Glad you guys are okay. I've been trying to get in to touch with Miss H but with no luck. Could you help me please? Looking forward to hearing albout your adventures.
