Tuesday, March 19, 2013

as promised...a bit of sci-fi art

I mentioned earlier that I was going to restart my weekly installments. Not the same ones as I had before; no more random travel destinations, and only the occasional cocktail review (I need to travel and drink more first).

I will, however, start hitting you with a thought-provoking piece of speculative art (digital or hand-crafted) on a semi-regular basis. (I might throw in some photographs of flying machines, too, just to keep this blog in the aviation zone.) So here's the first of many, let's hope:

I've often found myself wishing that I could live to see the golden age of human space exploration...and, with any luck, colonization. Maybe one of the terraformed moons of Saturn or something, just to see a sight like this. A whole planet dawning there on the horizon. Ain't it glorious? 

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