Wednesday, October 23, 2013

cocktail review no. 74 - Greyhound

If you don't like grapefruit, get the heck away from this page, pronto. They might as well have named this cocktail "a screwdriver with grapefruit juice." That's what it amounts to.

  • 2 ounces vodka
  • 4 ounces grapefruit juice

Pour the ingredients into a highball glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir and serve.

That's it. That's all there is to it. I have no idea who decided that this was a better alternative to the screwdriver, but that's not how I see it. In my opinion, this highball's good for preventing scurvy and not much else. All you can taste is the juice. If you see fit to add more vodka, then you're just tasting vodka and grapefruit juice. You'd be much better off adding some salt to the rim of the glass and having a salty dog. Or you could nut up and use a nip of tequila or rum or gin instead of vodka, I reckon. Some enterprising young fool has probably already concocted those versions of the drink and given them trite names and is busy disseminating them on the Internet, waiting for you to find and sample them. Go to it!

And for today's image, here's a picture of Margaret Gorman's greyhound, "Long Goodie." And Margaret Gorman. And Margaret Gorman's calves.

You're welcome.

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