Monday, April 13, 2009

writing updates, 4/13/2009

Who'd have expected that this would happen so soon after I began this blog and commenced keeping unofficial track of my writings! Lo and behold, I've been published!

Yes, thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.

There's a free e-zine called Real Travel Adventures, and I submitted an article to them concerning the Seoul jaunt I took for Seolnar (fully described in this blog in March 2009), and I just got an e-mail this morning from the editor informing me that they are packaging my submission for the summer issue!

YAHOO! I've got my foot in the door! I can now truthfully say I've been published to any prospective employer!

Whew, that's a tough act to follow. In case you're interested, I am now into the...erm...hold on a second here...the seventh chapter of my novel. I've just about finished up with Act 1; Act 2 is about to begin. The hard part's out of the way; I'm over the shoal water. Now things are moving, I've introduced the characters (good and bad) and now the action and plot just need to move forward. It's getting easier, but I still write less frequently than I can and should be. I guess I'm still a wee bit scared of this monster I'm creating. Heh heh...I won't say that after I've finished it. I can already tell you that it may only be a lukewarm novel (not in my eyes; I feel it'd even beat War and Peace), but it's going to be a dynamite comic book.

Apart from that, I've made a few more magazine article submissions but haven't heard anything back yet. I may not hear back at all; both magazine editors as well as comic book publishers' submissions departments have warned me that due to the sheer volume of input (or whatever) I may not receive a reply if my work is not going to be used. Oh well, the perils of living in an overpopulated, busy world, that's what I'll have to chalk it up to.

I started writing a three-act play for a friend of mine who's volunteering at a children's theater, too. It's about this guy who's been laid off during the economic depression and is in the middle of a somewhat lackluster search for a job, abetted by a nagging but well-meaning wife, a lazy, mooching brother-in-law, his pontificating mother and his hyperactive kids. I hope that's not too trite...but it's looking good, despite the fact that I have no idea what I'm doing. I've never written a play before. I had to look up script format on the Internet. But I'm making a go of it, even if I haven't worked on it in a month. It's supposed to be semi-comedic; I suck at pure drama. I've got some zingers in already. I hope I can keep it up. That's about it! I'm going to continue my novel when the Muse descends, finish off that play (even out of sheer ornery stubbornness), and continue submitting magazine articles with a boosted sense of self-confidence. Cheerio!

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