Wednesday, December 14, 2011

e-hiatus, day 1

It went pretty well, actually. I spent a goodly portion of my time in waiting rooms, and fought the terrible temptation to take out my phone and annihilate a few green pigs. But apart from that, I was peachy. Miss H and I went down the hill into San Bernardino and I was distracted by the traffic and the kooky drivers. Now, I just have to avoid messing around on this Internet thingy tonight. I think I'll do my best to start (and finish) A.E. van Vogt's Mission to the Stars, just to pass the time.

Due to some rather specious comments inscribed upon my last post, I feel the need to clear the air a little. Indeed, this is not a true e-hiatus. I am still using Blogger, taking phone calls, checking e-mails, and (occasionally) watching television. If I had the means and the time to take a proper break from the digital world, completely divorcing myself from all electronics and going to live in a snowbound cabin for a year with no companions but a Siberian husky, several bottles of single malt Scotch, and Leo Tolstoy, then I would do it. But I haven't the means. That's neither here nor there. The point of this hiatus is not to divide myself wholeheartedly from the Galaxy Electronica. The point is to reapportion my energies into more constructive channels, like novel-writing, walk-taking, job-hunting and life-sorting. I have allowed myself to become distracted from my old hobbies and habits by the relentless allure of YouTube and Angry Birds. No more. I shall take a break from that crap to zero in on what's really important. I'm not going to find myself or anything. I'm just trying to get some shit done.

All clear?

Good. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post. I expect the video-game withdrawal symptoms to begin soon.


Shoup said...

You ever read The Weapon Shops of Isher? Great AE Van Vogt book.

A.T. Post said...

No, but I read the original story which he originally expanded into what would become "The Weapon Shops of Isher" series. It was simply titled "The Weapon Shop."

Jane Jones said...

Hmm, I would LOVE to lock myself in a cabin with scotch and a dog and literature for a year or two! but as you said, i haven't the means.
but this is a good idea, the cutting back of electronics, etc. i think it sounds healthy and clean and good. i think hemningway and tolstoy would approve.
good luck, friend. i know you aren't trying to "find yourself", per se, but maybe you'll discover something along those lines anyways.

A.T. Post said...

I think every so often we just need to pull back from the Technological Revolution and get back to basics. I think I'd like to do like Hemingway or Stephen King habitually did and lock myself away in a cabin for a few months and write a novel. I wonder what'll happen to my creativity free from distractions?

Thanks for the encouragement, JJ. I can feel the revelations coming on.