Monday, December 19, 2011

e-hiatus, day 6

Well, I completely flubbed it today. I was on the Internet practically all day, and did nothing constructive besides: neither research, nor novel-writing, nor exercising, nor job-hunting. I even broke down, found my phone, cracked it open, and played some games on it (but not Angry Birds, thank goodness). If I'm feeling particularly seditious I'll watch a movie or something.

Oh well. Research suggests it's good to reward yourself for good behavior when you're in the midst of a new regimen, and I've held out almost a week. Plus certain events have conspired to make this little deviation almost necessary (I won't go into details; it's personal. You'll just have to trust me on it).

I did finish Starship Troopers last night, so I'll have to review that for you tomorrow. I started in on Phaid the Gambler (a little-known sci-fi tale by Mick Farren, and it's turning out to be hard-boiled, gritty and engaging so far). At least I got some reading done, right?

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