Friday, December 16, 2011

e-hiatus, day 3

I have to be honest: I fudged yesterday a little. After I finished Day Two's post I fiddled around on TV Tropes for a while before going to bed. But I'd edited the hell out of my novel and annihilated seven chapters of Starship Troopers, so who's to say I didn't accomplish something regardless?

Today was excellent. I didn't even have a chance to violate the rules. At twelve o'clock Miss H and I went down to the most charming coffeehouse in town, set up our computers, and went on a job-hunting spree. We were at it for over four hours.  I created a complete profile on Clear Channel Radio's job search site, including my complete résumé and references. I applied for two jobs, a radio dispatcher position in Seattle (which I won't get, because 476 other people applied to it) and a technical writing position in Madison, Wisconsin (which I feel I have a decent shot at; they cover relocation costs, too!). I know two jobs doesn't sound like much for four hours' work, but believe me, jobs were mighty thin on the ground. I searched Monster, CareerBuilder, JournalismJobs, and several media companies' private websites. Those were the only two positions I found that (a) I could do, (b) I had the credentials for, and (c) didn't require one year of experience. That's been my biggest stumbling block in finding a job in my field thus far: lack of on-the-job experience. I'm beginning to think I should've applied myself more at my job at the newspaper, and I should've tried to go two semesters at my college radio station instead of just one.

The draining hunt for work sustained us until five o'clock, at which point Miss H and I, tired and discouraged, closed down our machines, bought some necessaries at the grocery store, went home and cooked dinner (quesadillas with avocado, tomato and chicken). We watched a movie, and read for a bit. And that has been my day. I haven't even touched my phone. I'm so tired I think I'll just go to bed at midnight instead of 1:00 a.m. like usual. Let's hope some of those job apps bear fruit.

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