Thursday, January 14, 2010

cocktail review no. 28 - Scotch Mist

A word to the wise: Scotch needn't be diluted. It's good stuff. It can and should stand on its own. Tincture it with another flavor or two, but don't bury it under fruit juices and mixers. Let it shine. Consider this drink, for example.
  • 2½ ounces Scotch
  • crushed ice
  • 1 lemon twist
Pour the Scotch into a shaker half-filled with crushed ice. Shake well. Pour, unstrained, into an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with the lemon twist. That's all there is to it. It's just Scotch and bit of lemon. And because the ice is crushed, it melts faster, meaning what you end up with is basically a Scotch and water, with lemon. Or, coming at it from another angle, it's like a Scotch sour, without the sugar. Either way, it's mighty fine. Just be sure that you have good Scotch, because that's what you'll be tasting mostly. I used Cutty Sark, which I'd never tried before. I'm happy to report that it's dynamite. I like it almost as much as J&B, and that's saying something. It's only a blended Scotch, sure, but those are better for mixing. Mixing a single malt Scotch whisky would be nothing short of blasphemy, sacrilege. And don't you forget it. Oh, and before you try this drink, you may want to make sure that you actually LIKE Scotch, period. Keep that in mind and enjoy. Oh, and one more thing. This is almost too freaky. First I write about a foggy, windswept Scottish island; and by some quirk of fate, my next cocktail review concerns a drink called "Scotch mist." Life is scary-cum-wonderful sometimes, isn't it?


Susan Carpenter Sims said...

Do you think Scotch can be an acquired taste, or is it one of those you love it or hate it right away and it never changes things?

A.T. Post said...

It is MOST DEFINITELY an acquired taste. First you hate it beyond all hope of reconciliation. Then you tolerate it. Then you don't mind it. Then you like it. Then you love it. But you have to keep at it.

I never told you that I used to hate all alcohol? I couldn't stand the stuff. It was putrid. But I kept sampling it, and it grew on me. I never even used to like beer.

Susan Carpenter Sims said...

I STILL don't really like beer.

Scotch is ok, but I'm not quite "there" yet. I think I should just try it with water for a while before I venture into the drink you've posted here.

Ooh - verification word: quashot

A.T. Post said...


Well, that's not beyond hope. If you find Scotch "okay" there's enormous potential to love it down the road, ain't there? And this IS pretty much like Scotch and water. With lemon. Good stuff.

Quashot? Aw man, I have GOT to invent a shooter with that name. Maybe with four ingredients.

Susan Carpenter Sims said...

I've tried for a long time to like beer. Not gonna happen.

The only time I liked it was when I was pregnant with Eliana, and then I craved it and couldn't have it. Go figure.

A.T. Post said...

Go figure indeed! Man, what a cross-to-bear that must've been. To each her own, though. I sometimes think it's odd that people can like hard liquors like vodka and not like beer.