Saturday, January 16, 2010

hiatus take

Say that three times fast and you'll get it. This post pertains mostly to the "hiatus" part, however. It is with mingled sorrow, chagrin, and determination that I must announce my temporary withdrawal from the blogsphere. It has recently come to my attention that I have other, much more pressing matters to attend to, and that the two hours daily I spend on Blogger would be better spent attending to them. So I'm afraid I shall be going off the air until further notice. I shall hate to miss all the lovely posts on people's blogs, and will endeavor to continue reading and commenting on other people's stuff. But I myself shall break with blogging altogether for the moment. I daresay I've become addicted to it, or at the very least, complacent enough to devote a large part of my energies to it. (I've done at least one post a day since January 5th; that should tell me something right there.) That's got to change. So until I learn to balance my other obligations with moderate blogging, I'm signing off. I crave your indulgence for this unexpected vacancy. Goodbye.


Susan Carpenter Sims said...

Oh dear; I will miss you. But I understand that need to focus elsewhere. And how difficult it is to be moderate with blogging.

Entrepreneur Chick said...

Well crap, Postie. I had to take some time off too and was excited to get back and read you again.

I understand what you mean though.

Know you will be missed BUT before I just resign myself to your being gone, what if you did this?

What if you just posted a few times a week?

That way we could all still read you, you would have more time to devote to your other stuff- unless you really feel addicted and need to go to Blog Recovery Meetings where you stand up and go: Hi, my name is Postman and I'm a BLOGGER.

Susan Carpenter Sims said...

I'm with EC (Welcome back!) Even just twice a week would be sufficient. We could do an intervention if we saw you going beyond that.

Susan Carpenter Sims said...

Oh. As I was drifting in and out of sleep while lying down with Eliana this afternoon, I had this sudden realization that you should have called this post: hiatus take.

A.T. Post said...

Awww...I feel so warm and fuzzy! Thanks, guys. This means a lot to me.

EC: Welcome back indeed! I'd like to try it that way, but I'm afraid I'll slip right back into my addict's ways again. (Of course, it might be that I'm not an addict, and that I just have a lot to blog about lately; but I doubt it. It's too bad they don't have a Bloggers Anonymous.) I think I might have to go cold turkey for a bit and then slip slowly back into it again.

Polly: Maybe I could try for just twice a week though...maybe. We'll see.

HIATUS TAKE! GENIUS! BRILLIANT! Darn, that's perfect. The ultimate double entendre. I think I might just change the title of this post now, with your permission!

Susan Carpenter Sims said...

Isn't that just the most random thing that popped into my head out of nowhere when I was deliciously half asleep? Do whatever you like with it.

Smithy said...

I fully appose this preposterous idea. Yours is the only blog I like reading. Keep going. You have an audience.

A.T. Post said...

Polly: "Deliciously half-asleep"...what a perfect matching of adverb and compound adjective. Eliana is your Muse, it seems.

Smithy: What? Really? What, THIS blog? Seriously? Well, gosh. I'm flattered and abashed. Thank you most sincerely. Rest assured that I'm not quitting. I won't be gone long. But I have to bow out here for a bit and get done some things integral to my future.

If I could physically hang a sign on this here blog that read "BACK IN A JIFFY" I would.

Thanks, everybody. I'll think about what you all said. And I appreciate your comments immensely.

Warren said...

DAYM, that's a wee shame right there. You will be back soon though, I hope :)
Good Luck with the priorities!

A.T. Post said...

Warren! Thank goodness, you are still on Blogger! I thought you'd vanished. Did you change URLs? I can't seem to find your blog at all. It keeps telling me the link is broken or that the URL no longer exists. Which sucks, because I'm missing out on your musings and scribblings.

Thank for the kind thoughts and kind words. I'll be back soon. I probably won't be able to stay away long. Already I'm thinking about tying myself down or locking myself out of my bedroom. I'll be back with a progress report.

asmita said...

Hey thanks for stopping by my blog and even bothering to comment. Liked the way u write to and that u seem to have the habit of "talking" to your readers, making them feel quite nice.
Will come back more often. Hope u visit mine too :)

A.T. Post said...

You're quite welcome. Like I said, it's a good one. I should've been more specific, though. I should've said that your blog was insightful, well-written, deep, and quite engaging.

Thank you for the feedback! I appreciate what you said about my conversational style. I'm glad you noticed. Never fear, I'll be reading yours often.