Wednesday, December 21, 2011

e-hiatus, day 8

I'm going to have to call the whole thing off. It's just impossible right now. I picked a bad time of year and a bad time in my life to do something like this. The first week was useful, admittedly; and I accomplished much, as I mentioned in my previous post. But the writer's workshop I'm getting involved with announces its meetings on Facebook; I have a meeting on Skype tomorrow with a recruiter; and other things like job applications, research and whatnot all require a machine and an Internet connection. Plus I've discovered several new free games available for my 'Droid and, well...yeah. I caved.

It pains me to admit it—I've caved on a lot of stuff lately—but c'est la vie. I hate to concede that my comrade Bryan was right, but in order to do this hiatus properly, I'd need a canoe, a midshipman, and a week's worth of camping supplies. Someday, I shall do it. Maybe I'll make a regular thing out of it. But for now, the e-hiatus is officially canceled. Wish me better luck next time. Career changes are in the wind (finally!) and I need to focus on those, and the writer's workshop. I think my time will still be spent productively no matter what I'm doing to relax.

Thanks for sticking around...


Jane Jones said...

Sometimes it's just not the right time to force something. Don't force this if it will ruin amazing chances for you. Merry Christmas pal, and may your New Year be an incredible one where everything works out!

A.T. Post said...

Jane, you can always put things in perspective. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas, and a marvelously Happy New Year to you. Everything's working out, and I'm sure you had something to do with it.