This week, during which I worked twenty-seven hours, and, at a salary of $10 per hour (subtracting three one-hour lunch breaks), acquired a net sum of $240, I have blown about $120 on booze, books and gas.
Seriously.I bought $40 worth of gas on Tuesday because my tank was getting hazardously low. Later that day, to assuage my ego (work still wasn't going too well at that point) and also round out my reading list, I bought a couple more issues of One Piece and some other assorted bits of literature (see my last recommended reading post) for about $40. Wednesday, driving home, I stopped by Food4Less and bought up a few goodies: 750 milliliters of Sauza Tequila for about eight bucks, some Southern Comfort for thirteen, a six-pack of Newcastle Brown Ale for around $7.88, and a couple packs of honey ham for $2.50 apiece. Total came out to about $36 or so, including tax; we'll round up and say forty. And there you have it. One hundred and twenty dollars, just plain gone. Half a week's pay. Jeez. Either I'm stupid for not being frugal, or wise for living life to the fullest. Or both. This is a crazy world.
Why am I telling you this? Well, I'm glad you asked. There are three reasons, each more compelling than the last: numero uno, this is a convenient way of telling you that I bought some tequila and Southern Comfort (and therefore my cocktail reviews will feature both spirits more prominently in the near future) without actually coming out and saying "I bought some tequila and Southern Comfort, and therefore my cocktail reviews will feature both spirits more prominently in the near future." That would be so pedestrian.
Numero dos, this is a neat little way of dating my blog posts, as I stated earlier that I was going to start doing. You, reading this in the unimaginably far future, will laugh and say "WHAT?! Beer was just $7.88 a six-pack? What a bunch of cavemen! Smell you later!"
Numero tres, this is a subtle and slightly snarky way of admitting to you and myself that I could be negating both the reason I got this hard-won job at the newspaper and my entire reason for remaining in the High Desert instead of heading straight to Alaska: saving money. Ha-ha, that's quite a laugh, Postman. Saving money by spending half of it on booze and books? That's a good one!
So I think I'll go buy 300 Slim Jims to perk myself up.
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