Saturday, September 19, 2009

writing updates, 9/20/2009

This promise I made to start writing every day is really paying off. Stephen King, you were right: if you write every day the inspiration will surely come, not to mention all the practice you'll get, and the writing that will actually get done. 

First, I've made astounding progress with the novel. I need merely conclude Act III and I'm done. The thing's almost done. Of course, I'll have to edit and fine-tune it, but the basic writing will be done. I can't describe to you what a feeling this is. It's the deepest kind of excitement imaginable, a triple threat: (a), I'm bringing a world born of my imagination to glorious life to share with millions; (b), I'm close to accomplishing something I've wanted to do for some time, and conceivably the rest of my life; and (c) this could be the start of something beautiful. Charles Dederich, the founder of the Synanon rehabilitation program, had a mantra. "Today is the first day of the rest of your life." That seems apropos, and it keeps running through my head. Makes sense. I'm a writing addict. 

 Second, I've started some other stuff up in the meantime. I've had an idea knocking around in my head about a sort of sci-fi romance story (which I won't name yet), but thanks to this nascent regimen I've finally begun putting it down on paper. That was four days ago, and I'm over twenty pages in already. I take that as a good sign. It's coming easy, it's funny, and I think I might keep it going. I've also got a short science fiction story of a more serious stamp in the works, but it hasn't progressed much. Neither have any article ideas, except one about my sojourn on Jeju Island shortly before leaving Korea. Never fear, I'll develop them and write them soon enough. Oh yes! Speaking of writing articles, both of the travel articles I've submitted thus far (to Real Travel Adventures and In The Know Traveler, respectively) have been published, finally. Here are the links:
So that's the story (no pun intended). Further bulletins as events warrant. Stay tuned, it won't be long.


kelly ann said...

Wow... I messaged you once a while back, I think was looking for directions to a temple and now you are in Cali! Alaska bound! I am uber jealous of you right now. I have always wanted to go to Alaska and after seeing Into the Wild, which is now my all time favorite movie, my heart became even more anxious for the day that I will actually be in the Alaskan wilderness. A real outdoors woman, at least that's how I like to think of my future self. HA! 'future self'... what nonsense. Time will tell. Best of luck to you, I am sure that God has an awesome place for you in Alaska. Maybe you could just build a little house on a lake somewhere and write all day and all night, you know? Like Thoreau or something. Media is crap. Cheers to Alaska... and flying airplanes! Good luck!

kelly ann said...

P.S. I like that quote from Stephen King. I'm gonna steal it. Thanks!

A.T. Post said...

Wow...thanks for keeping track of all that! No, really, I appreciate it immensely. Yeah, I have a feeling Alaska's where I want to live (and the book version of "Into the Wild" is on my to-do list). I think if you see outdoorsiness in your future, kelly ann, then it's already part of who you are. If you can see yourself doing something like trekking the Alaska wilds then you're an outdoors-woman already. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. That little-house-on-a-lake idea is intoxicating.

P.S. Whoa, hold on! That's not exactly a direct King quote; it's more of a paraphrase. I don't think that's exactly what he said (it's from his book "On Writing"). Just thought I'd let you know...I can try to find the exact quote if you want.

A.T. Post said...

P.P.S. By the bye, I'm pretty jealous of you too. You're still in Korea, in Seoul no less. Man, I think I might like to do the teaching thing over there again sometime...I miss the food, the kids, and the country in general.