Monday, October 19, 2009

the Halloween cocktail party

I had a deplorable amount of difficulty coming up with a name for this post. Even now, I'm not entirely satisfied with the result. "Halloween cocktail party" implies that all we drank were Halloween-themed cocktails, which most certainly wasn't true. I could've called it a "costume cocktail party" but that (a) leaves All Hallow's Eve right out of the picture and (b) weakly implies that we only drank costume-themed cocktails, whatever the hell those are. So in the end, I elected to stick the words "Halloween" and "cocktail" into the title somewhere and let the grammar go whistle. Now that we've got the stew sorted from the dumplings, let's get to the meat of the matter. Last Friday I hosted a Halloween cocktail party at my parents' house in Apple Valley, California, in celebration of the upcoming holiday and in recognition of the fact that all of us need to get blind drunk more often. 'Twas a good party. About ten people came, there was nonalcoholic punch (limeade), plenty of cocktails, oodles of snacks (Costco pizza, a fruit bowl, Cheez-Its, Chex mix, Halloween candy, some creative costumes (a few too many girls came dressed as "sexy" somethings; sexy referees, or sexy gun molls, or sexy firefighters...but oh, heck, it's a party), and lots of fellowship and good cheer. I hauled out some Halloween-y drinks, we played games like Taboo and Apples to Apples, there was music on the stereo and Pirates of the Caribbean playing silently on the TV, and it was fun. We all got a little tipsy (except for the designated drivers, of course) and broke up about 1:00 a.m. Now if somebody would only invite me to a party...


Susan Carpenter Sims said...

My daughter turned two today and she's having a party on Saturday. But I don't suppose that's the kind of party you mean.

I like "the Halloween cocktail party," although I'd like it better if you'd capitalized it. I'm just weird with titles that way. But the word "cocktail" is almost a clash with "Halloween" so it gets at some kind of paradox there, which I always like.

Girls almost always want to be sexy somethings for Halloween. It's an excuse to dress like a slut once a year. I tend to go for being a magical something, sometimes with a slightly sexy edge, and sometimes not.

My days of getting "blind drunk" are, by necessity, over, but something slightly beyond tipsy would be fun. I'm just very picky about drinking occasions.

Are there a lot of apples in Apple Valley? I don't think of California when I think of apples.

A.T. Post said...

Cool! What's your daughter's name? Is she having some friends over?

Call it an uncharacteristic act of humility. I didn't call it "The Halloween Cocktail Party" because I'm sure it wasn't the only one. It was just "a Halloween cocktail party" but it was the only one that I was having, so it was "the Halloween cocktail party." Normally I'm a stickler for capitalization myself, but I decided to be all edgy and avant-garde with this here blog and make all the titles (except for proper nouns) uniformly lowercase. So far it's worked.

I know! I don't get it! Halloween has gone from being about having fun playing dress-up to about being legally able to dress like a slut! It annoys me. The holidays aren't supposed to be about sex. I like it when girls dress modestly. That's actually more attractive to me than when they reveal everything. A slightly sexy edge is acceptable. That's just Halloween though. Any other time of the year, or at the beach, feel free to be as revealing as you please.

I used to be picky. But since I don't drink to excess unless it's in company, I got a lot less picky.

Hell no! This is the most apple-less place in the whole state, I reckon. The founder of the town (Newton T. Bass) just called it that so people would be fooled into thinking it was some kind of oasis and come and build houses here in the middle of the desert.

Susan Carpenter Sims said...

At least he didn't call it Newtonville.

My daughter's name is Eliana - she's the youngest of four. She doesn't really have any friends yet, except at daycare, so it's just going to be family.

A.T. Post said...

Sounds like a fun celebration. I didn't have many friends until I was 13, but I was homeschooled. I hope you have a fun Halloween celebration. What about the rest of your children? How old are they and what are they doing?

Susan Carpenter Sims said...

The oldest, June Amber, recently turned 18 (the day after your birthday, it would appear). Many people call her an old soul - she should have been 18 when she was 15. She went on a 3-week school trip to Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and the Maldive Islands when she was 13, which profoundly impacted her life goals. She's been living on her own since last year, in a "green" construction degree program in the college here.

Emma (she likes to spell it "Emmuh") is 16 and a brilliant budding writer. She started a blog (Insights Through Outrageously Blue Eyes) but hasn't done much with it yet. She's more into the MySpace scene.

Graeme is 12 and an insanely good artist. He's been drawing extremely detailed robots, dragons, heroes, and such since he was about 6.

All of my kids (but the baby, obviously) have been homeschooled at one time or another. Graeme is now partially homeschooled- he started at an awesome new charter school that meets twice a week and most of the work is online, so he does it at home the rest of the time.

Sorry for the length of this, but once I get started on my kids, it's hard to stop.

A.T. Post said...

Don't apologize. I'm glad I got the chance to hear about them from you. That wasn't lengthy at all. It sounds like you have a very talented and wonderful family. Thank you for sharing.