Monday, March 8, 2010

new job, new followers

One of my favorite movies is a little-known Howard Hawks project named Hatari!

Made in 1962, it chronicles the adventures, love triangles, drinking and chain-smoking of a game company in East Africa. This "game company" is a group of expatriate specialists who catch African animals and ship them overseas to zoos and circuses.
The methods by which they accomplish this feat are rather novel. They jump into cars and trucks and Jeeps and go out and chase these animals all over creation, lassoing them with ropes on poles. Here, look:

The movie contains vicious animals, skyrockets, sultry Italian girls in the bath, fisticuffs, baby elephants, high-speed pursuits, a whole lot of drumming, romance, a bit of chauvinism, and John Wayne. What more could you ask for in a movie?

Hardly anybody I know has ever heard of it, though. If anything, the score became more famous than the film. This is where Henry Mancini's iconic "Baby Elephant Walk" first appeared.

has thrilled me since I was in grade school. I was once convinced that I would do exactly what I saw good ol' Red Buttons doing up there on the screen: drive a beat-up pickup truck at ridiculous speeds across the African savanna while John Wayne sat on the bucket seat up front and roped in wild critters. The film exerted a more powerful influence on me than even I know. It was about this point that I began to wear chiefly khaki and neutral colors (as the characters in the film do). Red Buttons's character, Pockets (my favorite, if you hadn't guessed), inspired my love affair with cargo pants. I still buy and wear them regularly.

Man, this introduction is getting lengthy. Maybe I should do a movie review about this film later on, huh?

To get to the point, Pockets is in love with one of the female characters, Brandy. But he's shy. He doesn't know how to approach her. One day, when he's helping John Wayne's character (Sean), Pockets falls off a fence. Brandy runs up and kneels down next to him, all concerned. Pockets sees his chance. Actually unhurt, he acts as if he's dying. Brandy insists that Sean carry Pockets into the bungalow while she runs ahead to prepare a sickbed for him. Sean (who knows Pockets is playing 'possum) asks "What are you trying to do?" Pockets replies, "I don't know, but whatever it is, I'm doing it right!"

Over the past few weeks, the number of people following this blog has quadrupled. It seems like only last month there were just eleven or so faithful minions hobnobbing here. As of last Saturday, the total was up to 40.

To say that I am shocked, stunned, flattered, abashed, grateful, excited, pumped, pleased, and amazed by this would be a gross understatement. All I can say is "thank you." Thank you, those faithful few who have been with me from the very beginning, and stuck with me so long. Thank you, those of you who have only recently signed on, and have decided to see where this goes. I hope I don't disappoint; I shall do my utmost not to. Thank you one and all, my followers. I'd likely be blogging anyway, even if you weren't around. But you guys make it that much more groovy around here. Thanks for feeding my voracious ego.

And now for a little news. As I mentioned earlier, I have a job at last. I am no longer unemployed. People don't have to buy me drinks whenever we go out on the town. (But they still do anyway; I have a host of friends.)

What is this job, you ask? The one I hinted about so delicately before? Full-time, decent pay, benefits, and flying-related?

I chase UAVs. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. I keep my eyes on them, the skies near them, and that little black collision-avoidance box. The one with the two yellow concentric circles. As long as there isn't more than one yellow dot on it, everything's golden. That's my job. I sit in the passenger seat of a small plane and make sure the UAV doesn't bump into something. Or vice-versa. In between flights (one in the morning, one in the afternoon) I sit down somewhere comfortable, switch on my benighted laptop and attempt to further my writing career. (Results thus far have been mixed.)

I'm enjoying the heck out of it. The chasing thing was the easiest to learn. The hard part has been trying to figure out what to write, how to query, and where to submit during my off-hours. That'll get better, though. And in the meantime, as long as I don't eat anything greasy for breakfast, I can avoid airsickness, which is the only downside to flying for a living. We've pulled some pretty hectic maneuvers in that little plane, following the UAV. My boss, the pilot, used to fly F-15s for a living, which explains his facility with aerobatics.

That's the run-down for the moment. I could explain more, but that would make this post even longer, and it's already stretched a bit far. Maybe I'll tell you some more later. Some interesting tidbits about the airplanes we're flying, for one thing. They're Mooney M20s. Mooneys are...interesting. Quirky, some might say.

Stay tuned...


Tess Kincaid said...

Hey, kudos on the new job! Sounds fun.

Jerry said...

Oh yeah, I remember Hatari -- it's been a long time. It seems like there was a spate of African pics out around that time.

Congratulations on the new job...especially in that it is associated with your passion.

Olivia J. Herrell, writing as O.J. Barré said...

Okay,dude, was Hatari the one with a chimp named Judy?? Or was that something else altogether? Your new job sounds a little like Sean's. Only you're spotting, not catching. Excellent!

Olivia J. Herrell, writing as O.J. Barré said...

And, oh yeah, as for the rest? You deserve it. Your writing rocks.

Jane Jones said...

Oh I think I have a new must-watch looks so epic.
And of course we all follow your blog: it's funny, thoughtful, wonderfully well-written, and besides that, it's often educational too- I've learnt things I never even knew I didn't know. It has a heart. Keep it up please, I look forward to each new post.
Your job sounds fantastic. Congratulations. I hope the passion doesn't fade- flying for a living is harder than it sounds, as I'm sure you know. Good luck!

CATE said...

I have heard of Hatari and am therefore now feeling exceptionally old. Was not alive when it was released though....phew...
Congrats on the job, and more importantly, happy for you that you're enjoying it, that's half the battle. Sounds perfect.
I think this calls for a cocktail or three...

Anonymous said...

Hatari is one of my all-time favorite movies. My whole family loves it and we watch it quite often. When my son turned 8 I made him a "Hatari" birthday cake, complete with a little jeep running across the savannah (the surface of the cake) chasing giraffes, rhinos and elephants. He loved it.

A.T. Post said...

willow: Thanks! It is. Prepare to hear more later.

Jerry: Hatari's the best of 'em all, I reckon. Didn't care much for "Mogambo." Thanks for the congratulations.

Rebel: No chimps in Hatari, as far as I know. I'm kind of glad. The ape costar thing was kind of overdone in some movies I've seen. I hadn't thought of that! Hatari! There's the UAV!

Thanks so much for the kind words. You're a wonder, you are. And you write quite well, too.

Jane: Check it out, I think you'll like it. It's the exotic feel of the thing (not to mention the adventure, and the epicness) that appealed to me.

By golly. I just don't know what to say to that, Jane. That's one of the very nicest things anybody's ever said to me, ever. Thank you ever so for the generous sentiment and well-wishes. I can't thank you enough. You're a marvel. The feeling, believe me, is mutual. I look forward to your every single one of your posts, too, knowing I'm going to read something insightful, refreshingly true, and hauntingly beautiful.

Cate: Thanks! This might be the best job yet, for just that reason. It's enjoyable...half the battle indeed. I had me a glass of Irish whiskey on the rocks when I got home on Saturday night. How about you?

propinquity: Cool! Somebody else has heard of Hatari! Thank goodness. Glad to hear you all enjoy it as much as I do. That Hatari cake sounds absolutely miraculous. You're quite creative. I'll bet he loved it. I would've too...that was thoughtful in the extreme.

Laura said...

Wow, that's quite the job you have. Congrats to you!
Next: chasing agents! lol

Hope you find enough time to write.(and post, too!) :)

Susan Carpenter Sims said...

You're amazing. I'm honored to (virtually) know you.

Congrats on all the wonderful increases in your life. You totally deserve it.

A.T. Post said...

Again, the feeling's mutual, Polly. I keep telling EC we need to have a real, physical cocktail party so we can all actually MEET.

Thanks a whole heaping bunch, friend. I wish you the same in your life.