Now, I could offer you the usual excuses, self-deprecations, pleas of ignorance, but that'd be tedious. You've heard 'em all before.
"My gosh, I just don't know why I get all these awards."
"Who'd have suspected I would garner all this attention just for shamelessly pontificating?"
"Beats me where all this attention comes from. I just blog here, man."
Let's just skip that part. Suffice it to say, I am once again humbled, honored, and red-faced to receive this accolade. I believe it's called the "From Me To You" Award (didn't see that coming, did you?). Two exemplary bloggers bestowed it upon me: Jon Paul from Where Sky Meets Ground and Mia from My Literary Jam and Toast. I call these bloggers "exemplary" because they epitomize principles every blogger should aspire to:
If you're going to say something, say it well. And make yourself useful while you're at it.
Mia and JP not only write well (and humorously). They habitually promulgate tips and hints to help us poor benighted folk with the agonizing and soul-shaking process known as "writing." (Speaking of which, I need to get cracking. I should find out what that publisher back in Georgia is doing with my first three chapters, and keep editing my MS in the meantime. I might have found an alpha reader I can give it to when I finish the second edit, though. Even so, I'm falling into a stagnant, apathetic rut again. I hate myself sometimes. Come on, my conscience is niggling at me, do you want to be a writer or not? Roni over at Fiction Groupie just won an award with her novel manuscript, and the publication process has started! She's on the road to success! That could be you, chump. Thanks, brain, I needed that.)
Anyway, let's see about the rules of the FMTY Award: seven facts, seven bloggers. Or perhaps we should say "seven truths" because, as Indiana Jones will tell you, fact is not truth. Relate seven truths about yourself, and send the award on to seven worthy bloggers. That's not too shabby. I was hoping I'd get to do another award ceremony again, and mollify my enormous ego by deluging you with ceaseless talk about my favorite subject.
- I could count the number of lies I've told in my lifetime on one hand. That's if I could remember how old I was when told the last one.
- I hate asparagus. It is my absolute least favorite vegetable on this benighted green Earth. If every single spear of asparagus suddenly vanished out of existence, or was whisked away into another dimension, or was scorched and fried into oblivion...I wouldn't so much as blink.
- Speaking of hating things, I once despised alcohol. Couldn't stand it. Liquor, cordials, even beer. The taste was abhorrent. Thank goodness I stuck to my guns and kept tasting it. Eventually it began to taste better. And now look!
- Sneezing is one of the more under-appreciated bodily functions. It's so enjoyable! Scratches every itch in the nasal tract.
- It's endlessly annoying when folks say "Here, here" instead of "hear, hear"; "without further adieu" instead of "without further ado"; and "hanger" instead of "hangar." ("Here" is an adverb, "hear" is a verb; and you are telling bystanders to "hear" what the speaker is saying when you proclaim "hear, hear." Adieu is French for "goodbye." "Ado" is bustle or fuss. And a "hanger" is either something you use to put up clothes or a short sword worn by British soldiers and sailors. A "hangar" is where you put your airplane. Are we clear?)
- I love it when people refer to chimpanzees and other great apes as "monkeys," though. It makes me laugh.
- I have an irrational fear of fiberglass.
- Points of Claire-ification
- Writing in the Wilderness
- That Rebel with a Blog
- Murrmurrs
- Sometimes I Think...
- Views of a Star Child
- Sharp Pen/Dull Sword
LOL. I JUST LEFT YOU ONE at my blog about fifteen minutes ago.
Congrats on your award and thank you for mine. :)
Oh for crying out LOUD, Christi! Couldn't you have given me that award 15 minutes earlier?!
Just kidding. That is a hilarious coincidence. I was actually going to give you this award, but I saw you already had it. Twice. I CLICKED ON YOUR BLOG to check what awards you had. Too bad I didn't glance closer at your latest post. I was in a sweat to finish this post so I could relax and READ ALL THE NEW BLOG POSTS...man, next time I'll have my priorities straight.
Thank you for the award, most sincerely. I'm heading over to yours to check it out. Very carefully and thoroughly this time.
sarahjayne: You're quite welcome. Keep up the vivifying work.
What, you don't LOVE asparagus?? Oh come on, they're so good when fresh, lightly fried with butter, lemon...next thing I know you will be saying you adore broccoli ;)
Agree with the sneezing thing. It is more than satisfactory.
And a fear of fibreglass? You are unique.
Oh, and congratulations on all the new awards! I've said it before, but I'll say it again: you completely deserve them.
Congratulations, Postie!
I am the same way with lying - it's as though I'm constitutionally incapable of it, even when I want to.
And I'm not big on asparagus either, although I have been known to eat it on occasion.
Awesomesauce dude! You deserve it.
Congrats on your award, and I graciously thank you for mine!
(that is one I have never received, believe it or not.)
I like asparagus enough, but HATE the way it makes pee smell, so I wont eat it. Freaks me out, that smell.
Was that TMI?
I'm with you for number 1! Although lately I'm kinda rethinking it. The truth often gets me in trouble...
Congrats on your award. You very much deserve it!
And thanks for passing on the love!
Jane: BLURGH. Buttered asparagus. I'm sorry, even that doesn't help. Lots and lots of salt and pepper, that's the only thing. And I HATE broccoli. It's my second least favorite vegetable.
Ah, but how can I be grumpy when I get awards? Thank you for the congratulations! You are too kind, my friend. I don't know exactly what I did to deserve these (seriously, what are the criteria for the FMTY award, anyway?) but I'm grateful nonetheless.
Polly: Honesty's the best policy, I hear. And a little asparagus never hurt anybody, I guess.
JP: Thank you very much, good sir. Again. I mean it.
Lola: Why thank you. And yeah, that was TMI. Just a little. I hadn't noticed that, myself...
Claire: Be careful there...at least you can stand behind the truth which got you in trouble, you know?
Thanks a million! I appreciate your custom. And you're welcome.
Hey P, how in the world did I miss this post??? I swear as of yesterday my blogroll was still showing your drinkypoo post (which I'd already read). Hmmm...guess I won't trust that sucker again. I live for your posts. Well, not really, but I DO usually read them right away. And I missed MY award. Aren't you a sweetie!
You major deserve every award there is, and one or two more. Oh, and I didn't know you had chapters with a publisher in GA. Want me to go over there and, oh I don't know, do something for you?
What's your book about and who's the pub? That's big, bad and wonderful, way to go!!!
A big congrats!
I'm finally back....been stuck with too much work.
And asparagus is okay...if you take small bites...a maximum of three bites.
I agree with all of your comments except the one on alcohol. I never could get used to the taste. The best I can do is a wine cooler...a little wine with lots of ginger ale!
Lindsey Petersen
Rebel: My fault. I posted it retroactively (you know, started writing it one day, posted it the next). There was likely some lag there. Sorry for faking you out.
Gosh, you really know how to compliment a guy. Thank you for the kind words! I appreciate your presence here on this blog, your wonderful comments, and your acquaintance. Thanks for stopping in, I mean it.
The publisher's been out of the office for some time, and they're a small press, so they're likely busy. I'm not worried about it too much. They'll get back to me or I'll contact them, either way. I believe they go by the name of Bell Bridge Books (and/or Belle Books).
The novel? Well, let's see. It's science fiction. Two office drones survive the apocalypse only to discover that they're reincarnated from history's famous heroes: a gunfighter and a swordsman. Armed with these newfound abilities they set off into a strange new world of fantastic dangers to see what they can make of themselves. I've got a whole SERIES planned out of this. Oh, the places they'll go...thanks for asking! You got any works in progress?
Jerry: Thank you! And it's nice to have you back, good sir. We missed you out here. Need to hear something gently said.
Agreed on asparagus dosages...
5kids: Hey there! Thanks for stopping in! I just learned how to make wine coolers, in fact. You'd probably like a kir: champagne with a little creme de cassis. Try it sometime.
Well it's so nice of you to say such lofty things on my blog--makes me all blushy, especially since I admire your writing. Let's see: I got another rejection today (magazine article) to add to my collection...I plan to do my bathroom in Sun Magazine rejections (they're my favorites). Where does one put an award? Somewhere the cat can't knock it over? There's rules? I'm new to this. Relatively new to blogging, and haven't been writing all that long, either.
Also, I have a 4'x8' bed of asparagus at my house, and I've lost interest in sneezing since the time it started to be accompanied by peeing. Just you wait until you're past menopause, young man.
Well done on all your awards.
Thank you so much for mine. Very kind of you.
Keep those posts coming.
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