When you think of India, what comes to mind?
Poverty? Overpopulation? Pollution? People with diamonds on their foreheads? Curry?
Slander and calumny. There's so much more to the place than that.
First of all, it ain't just a country. It's a subcontinent.
It's the home of some of the world's rarest animals, including the golden langur and the last remnants of the Asiatic lion.
India is the manufacturer of the world's cheapest car, the TataNano , which goes for around $2,000 American dollars. Because of the nutty-bonkers-hundred-percent-off-your-rocker price tag, it's colloquially known as "The People's Car." I remember reading about it in National Geographic a while back, and liking the idea immensely. I remember thinking Huh! Imagine, a small, efficient, cheap car that nearly every family in India can afford! A four-door in every pot!
Speaking of building amazing stuff, another thing I read about in National Geographic was the Golden Quadrilateral, a massive superhighway running all around the subcontinent. It was a massive project, years in the undertaking, but finally finished not long ago. The story of its development read like a small country's revolution.
I've also read that India was home to Asia's first Nobel laureate. And I heard that back in the day some Mughal bigwig built a rather fancy house for his wife. The memory of his wife, to be exact. Crazy, huh?
Oh yeah, and apparently there's people in India who don't truck with victuals, either. Hoopy!
I've heard intoxicating things about India. The railroads that span the entire nation. The deep jungles, where elephants, tigers and (a few) lions still roam. The mystic palaces. Monkeys running up and down the street and bugging you for snacks. Sacred bulls wandering everywhere. Beautiful women with deep, dark eyes, and some of the most colorful clothes seen anywhere on Earth. Epics to rival The Odyssey and Beowulf. Pearls the size of your fist. Veterinary schools that set the world standard. Temperatures that can soar up to 120 degrees in the shade in summer.
Poverty? Overpopulation? Pollution? People with diamonds on their foreheads? Curry?
Slander and calumny. There's so much more to the place than that.
First of all, it ain't just a country. It's a subcontinent.
It's the home of some of the world's rarest animals, including the golden langur and the last remnants of the Asiatic lion.
India is the manufacturer of the world's cheapest car, the Tata
Speaking of building amazing stuff, another thing I read about in National Geographic was the Golden Quadrilateral, a massive superhighway running all around the subcontinent. It was a massive project, years in the undertaking, but finally finished not long ago. The story of its development read like a small country's revolution.
I've also read that India was home to Asia's first Nobel laureate. And I heard that back in the day some Mughal bigwig built a rather fancy house for his wife. The memory of his wife, to be exact. Crazy, huh?
Oh yeah, and apparently there's people in India who don't truck with victuals, either. Hoopy!
I've heard intoxicating things about India. The railroads that span the entire nation. The deep jungles, where elephants, tigers and (a few) lions still roam. The mystic palaces. Monkeys running up and down the street and bugging you for snacks. Sacred bulls wandering everywhere. Beautiful women with deep, dark eyes, and some of the most colorful clothes seen anywhere on Earth. Epics to rival The Odyssey and Beowulf. Pearls the size of your fist. Veterinary schools that set the world standard. Temperatures that can soar up to 120 degrees in the shade in summer.
As you might have guessed, I'm not so keen on that last part. But the rest of it's incredible.

To follow in the footsteps of Paul Theroux as that loquacious curmudgeon rode the train down the length of the nation. To see the shores with brand-new eyes, as the first representatives of the East India Trading Company must have, all those hundreds of years ago. Take a dip in the sacred Ganges River. Explore the jungles of Sri Lanka. Beat the heat in Calcutta with a glass of gin. Visit the new deli in New Delhi. Swim with the planet's ugliest dolphins.
Even the mere name speaks bewitchment.
Home of a certain bald-headed troublemaker we all know. Home to over a billion people, some of the finest minds and hardest workers on Earth. Producer of high-grade doctors, soccer players, artisans, chefs, and holy men. A center of religious thought, architectural achievement, military might, cultural development, and historical wonderfulness for thousands of years.Not to mention the setting of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, my second-favorite movie of all time. And, of course, the inspiration for the title of a rather good Led Zeppelin song.
Sorry. I just had to throw that in there.
Even the mere name speaks bewitchment.
Home of a certain bald-headed troublemaker we all know. Home to over a billion people, some of the finest minds and hardest workers on Earth. Producer of high-grade doctors, soccer players, artisans, chefs, and holy men. A center of religious thought, architectural achievement, military might, cultural development, and historical wonderfulness for thousands of years.Not to mention the setting of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, my second-favorite movie of all time. And, of course, the inspiration for the title of a rather good Led Zeppelin song.
Sorry. I just had to throw that in there.