Tuesday, April 6, 2010

fameless shalsity

Well, I think it's about time I dropped the other shoe and clued you all in about the fibs I told before. Capische? Congratulations to all who were brave enough to take a stab at the truth. None of you succeeded.
  1. FALSE. I have never read the Harry Potter series cover-to-cover without stopping. I imagine it would take me a lot longer than 27 hours if I tried (although I'm a fast reader). In college, my buddies and I did watch all six Star Wars movies back-to-back, however. It took us 17 hours. We started at noon and finished up at five in the morning the next day. And indeed, we had pizza, and had to take breaks to go run around the building. We watched 'em in chronological order: new trilogy first (bleh) and then the original (WAHOO!).
  2. FALSE. I did not see Dick Cheney speak live at my college. I saw the man himself, George W. Bush. Dubya came to my college and spoke live. And I told you the truth: I was impressed by how natural he was, how poised, how sure of himself. He didn't give a speech, he made no prepared statements. And he never stuttered once. He talked firmly, loudly, and professionally. He was funny. He gibed at the Illinois professor so much that he got us all laughing. I wasn't too sure where my Social Security money was going to end up by the time Bush had finished talking, but that didn't matter. In my mind, this incident cemented the belief that poor ol' George has been unfairly and unpardonably treated by the liberal media regarding his "speech impediments" and poor public speaking skills, which, as it turned out, were nothing more than stage-fright. Give the man a break, I say. Not every president is a natural-born Abe Lincoln or an FDR. Talk to him in person before you judge what you see on the news.
  3. FALSE. It wasn't Montgomery, Alabama. It was Atlanta, Georgia. Thought you wouldn't get that one.
  4. FALSE. I'm hands-down-triple-Z-abso-freakin'-lutely awful at riddles. I couldn't solve a riddle to save my soul. I always wind up thinking too hard, over-complicating things, overshooting the simpler answer...or worse, not thinking far enough outside the box. You could dangle a ten-billion-dollar bill in front of my face and say, "I build up castles. I tear down mountains. I make some men blind, help others to see. What am I?" I would walk away none the richer. The only time I ever solved a riddle was a month ago; I can only attribute that to a flash of genius borrowed from another dimension. My friend J.H. called me up and asked me "What gets bigger the more you take away from it?" Lucky for him I'd just finished planting a tree. "A hole in the ground," I said, and I was right.
  5. TRUE. I've been in only one real car accident. The rest have all been minor things, like backing into stationary objects. The car I wrecked was a 1986 Chrysler LeBaron, dark red finish, leather interior, low mileage. Sweet gangsta Grandma-car. It was bequeathed to me by my grandfather, who was managing my late great-uncle's estate. And I wrecked it a mere three months and 1,000 miles after getting it for free. Nice one, Postman.
  6. FALSE. I can't play the Jew's harp. I don't understand the concept behind it at all.
  7. FALSE. There was absinthe at my last cocktail party, purchased and served with my own hands...but I didn't taste it. I was working the next morning and didn't want to take a chance on something 120-proof. Maybe next time. I'll let you know how it goes.
You probably think I made these too difficult. Well, you're right. I'm a hard master when it comes to tests and quizzes.

I'm going to go laugh myself silly with sadistic joy now. Try to have a good rest of your day, now that I've shattered all of your illusions of being on Jeopardy!

And by the way, the answer is "sand." 


Susan Carpenter Sims said...

When I was in college there were only three Star Wars movies.

I've never seen the other three in their entirety (entireties? Nope. Blogger underlined it). That was also a grammatically incorrect sentence. But Blogger doesn't care about grammar.

Kinda like I don't care about the newer Star Wars movies. (Hey! Blogger didn't underline "kinda.") What's going on here???

dolorah said...

ROLF. I bet I suck worse at riddles than you. I over think, or under think.

I haven't read or watched the Harry Potter series all together; but I sat through all three of The Lord of the Rings extended movies. Yeah, you gotta get up a bit in those marathon movies or your butt conforms to the chair. The Matrix movies was easier to do all together.

Hmm, I think I'm in the mood for movies not.

Really glad you've only had one real car accident. That's always a good thing.

These were awesome. Very creative. A lot of fun to read and guess at.


Claire Dawn said...

Not big on Star Wars (don't shoot me), much more into the Trek :)

I was about to ask who Dubya was. I met his Dad on my campus back in the day.

Sou said...

I spent about 3 whole minutes trying to figure out the answer to the riddle !

I need to find myself some new friends... None of them ever agree to have any kind of movie marathon... They're so lame!

Really enjoyed this post, POSTman! (Did u like that one? As in the guy who writes posts?!?)

Olivia J. Herrell, writing as O.J. Barré said...

Oh golly gee whiz, my reasoning was impeccable, who knew you were a trickster as well as a taskmaster? Dubya, huh? And back-ins don't count...hmmm.

Thanks for the lesson. When playing someone else's guessing game, gotta play by their rules, not mine. :)

I say bleh to the new Star Wars and suck at riddles, too.

Glad you survived that awful car crash. I'da missed knowing ya.

A.T. Post said...

Polly: Hello there! Good to see you!

Don't worry, you're not missing much in the NT (new trilogy).

Now, I believe "entireties" isn't a word. But "kinda" is not a word either. That SHOULD be underlined. This is why I detest anything but Microsoft SpellCheck - if anything, it's TOO uptight.

DH: Now THAT'S as much a feat of endurance. We tried to watch all three LOTR movies, but quit halfway through the last one. Couldn't take it anymore, our backsides were killing us. We also tried to watch all three Spider-man movies AND the Matrix movies all back-to-back, but didn't even make it through the first Spider-man (did the Matrix though).

I love movie marathons, can you tell?

Thanks for the kind words. Nice to see you again.

Claire: I could've forgiven you for being a Trekkie if you also liked Star Wars. Your stance is...unpardonable. Ahem. I might have to quit following you.

...until your next post, that is. Then I'd have to start up again, remembering what an awesome and entertaining writer you are and the amazing Japan-related stories you tell.

Well, ain't it a small world! What did George Senior talk about?

Mashlip: Heh heh...that's about how long I can stand puzzling over something and then I quit.

At one point, we were going to try to do ALL the movie marathons (not all at once, of course, but maybe once a month): Star Wars, Spider-man, Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future...we only did the first four and then we graduated. Whoops. Started too late. Seriously, you need to convert some of those friends of yours to movie marathons. They won't regret it.

Glad you enjoyed it!!! That makes me so happy. Ha ha ha, POSTman?! Well, ain't that fortunate that I named myself that, now?

Rebel: Quite true. Your reasoning was impeccable. I literally cringed when I read your comment. "Dang," I thought, "I forgot that I've backed into a few things." But it was too late. So I fell back on my usual plan B and weaseled out of trouble with semantics.

Well, I'm glad you're glad I survived, too. Good to know ya, friend.

Thanks for the guesses, people. You were all pretty close; and as hard as I made this you guys had some faultless logic.

Carrie said...

I'm slightly disappointed to discover that 6 was false. That would have been an amazing talent indeed. ;)

A.T. Post said...

I'm getting there, Carrie. Someday I'll pick it up and master it.