Well, that was a great adventure and I'm going to be a little sorry when your road trip is over because I'm totally living vicariously through you. (I've got this *event* Sat. night and so, therefore, no fun until Sat. night. I have to fit in the whittle black dress, ya know. It's amazing how much you are aware when people describe FOOD when you can't have any. Boo.)
Loved the pics and now I need a Raiders of the Lost Arc shirt.
Now, hold on. I'm the geographical equivalent of a cat with the heebie-jeebies. I never sit still and I have a tendency to rush randomly off to strange places all of a sudden.
Road trip's over, yes. But tomorrow I have another flying lesson during which Harold and I will be flying to Victorville, which, I'll grant you, is only like, five miles away from Apple Valley, but still, it's got a tower, which means I'm basically going to have to ask the air traffic controllers for permission first before I do anything, and it'll be a new airport that I've never been to, and all sorts of funky crap might very well go down. Like, I don't know, jets.
Then right after that I'm going to Riverside (down in the Los Angeles Basin) to sign up for bartender's school. I have only been to Riverside once, and I wasn't driving. Trying to find this place (and finding out whether they're actually open on Tuesday mornings) is going to be interesting. I'll do my best to make it so if it isn't.
I appreciate the fact that you and perhaps others are living vicariously through me, so, to that end, I'm attempting to do as much living in as fun a manner as possible.
What event do you have Saturday night? Entrepreneurial things? And surely you're not suggesting that you're going to fast until then? The black dress can't be THAT whittle...
You also can't tell me that you've never been to StarWarsShop.com. Click on the "Indiana Jones" tab. There's also eBay and Teenormous (http://teenormous.com/search/raiders_of_the_lost_ark_t-shirts).
"Raiders" happens to be my favorite film of all time, ya know...
Avoiding the jets and finding bartender's school? Now that's what I call a good day!
The event? One of my companies is throwing a big fashion show with mayors from 3 cities coming, the state senator, the state representative, county commissioners, members of the Dallas Cowboys and basically all our friends who live in this community- plus about 170 models also. So, about 600 to 700 ppl.
Wow. I'm just blown away. I'm so happy for you that you had such a fulfilling trip. The Grand Canyon AND a museum filled with your favorite stuff AND Led Zeppelin III? That's an awesome cluster of goodness.
Your descriptions are, as always, delightful and dead-on. I feel like I've been to the Grand Canyon now. Your humor and enthusiasm and lightheartedness are so so refreshing.
That last pic is priceless. Just priceless.
Incidentally your temperature preferences are perfectly in line with Taos. Even in the summer, it's always in the 50s or 60s (or lower) at night and in the morning. And while we don't have the Grand Canyon, we do have the Rio Grande Gorge.
EC: YOWZER! When you say "event" you aren't kidding! What company of yours is this, anyway? One of the Fortune 500?
So, you're on Holocaust rations. I don't envy you, but I admire your grit. Setting aside the rest of the menu I don't think I could make it a day without snacks. I won't list any here, in case it's torture.
No link from Victoria's, huh? Um, well, I, uh, I wouldn't know.
I don't know about vocabulary like Capote's, but I read a lot when I was a kid. A LOT. A lot a lot. Bunches. That might have something to do with it. I also narcissistically view myself as the world's last great repository of the English language, so I do my level best to find, learn, memorize and spout arcane and little-known verbiage whenever possible. Thanks, though, I think.
"Other Voices, Other Rooms"? Haven't run across that one. Do you recommend it?
Pollinatrix: Thank you very much for saying that. I'm glad you feel that way and took the time to tell me so. I try my best. I appreciate your kind words immensely. Your feedback is useful, too (good to hear I'm doing what I set out to do!).
Yeah, I can't believe that picture came out so well. We got it on the first try. John timed it perfectly.
No kidding! They have COOL places in New Mexico? I did a double-take there when I saw that picture of yours in The Grim Reaper of Angel Fire with SNOW. That sounds marvelous. How grande is the Rio Grande Gorge? I've heard of the river but not that it possessed a gorge.
Well, that was a great adventure and I'm going to be a little sorry when your road trip is over because I'm totally living vicariously through you. (I've got this *event* Sat. night and so, therefore, no fun until Sat. night. I have to fit in the whittle black dress, ya know. It's amazing how much you are aware when people describe FOOD when you can't have any. Boo.)
Loved the pics and now I need a Raiders of the Lost Arc shirt.
You don't have just one more day of a road trip? Rats.
Now, hold on. I'm the geographical equivalent of a cat with the heebie-jeebies. I never sit still and I have a tendency to rush randomly off to strange places all of a sudden.
Road trip's over, yes. But tomorrow I have another flying lesson during which Harold and I will be flying to Victorville, which, I'll grant you, is only like, five miles away from Apple Valley, but still, it's got a tower, which means I'm basically going to have to ask the air traffic controllers for permission first before I do anything, and it'll be a new airport that I've never been to, and all sorts of funky crap might very well go down. Like, I don't know, jets.
Then right after that I'm going to Riverside (down in the Los Angeles Basin) to sign up for bartender's school. I have only been to Riverside once, and I wasn't driving. Trying to find this place (and finding out whether they're actually open on Tuesday mornings) is going to be interesting. I'll do my best to make it so if it isn't.
I appreciate the fact that you and perhaps others are living vicariously through me, so, to that end, I'm attempting to do as much living in as fun a manner as possible.
What event do you have Saturday night? Entrepreneurial things? And surely you're not suggesting that you're going to fast until then? The black dress can't be THAT whittle...
You also can't tell me that you've never been to StarWarsShop.com. Click on the "Indiana Jones" tab. There's also eBay and Teenormous (http://teenormous.com/search/raiders_of_the_lost_ark_t-shirts).
"Raiders" happens to be my favorite film of all time, ya know...
Avoiding the jets and finding bartender's school? Now that's what I call a good day!
The event? One of my companies is throwing a big fashion show with mayors from 3 cities coming, the state senator, the state representative, county commissioners, members of the Dallas Cowboys and basically all our friends who live in this community- plus about 170 models also. So, about 600 to 700 ppl.
Breakfast: Two eggs
Lunch: teaspoon peanut butter
Dinner: fish, vegetables
Snacks: Sorry
I'm afraid I'm going to have to tell you I've never been to StarWarsShop.com as apparently they have no link from Victoria'sSecret.com.
And where'd you get a vocabulary like Capote's? Hmm?
Have you read, "Other Voices, Other Rooms"?
Wow. I'm just blown away. I'm so happy for you that you had such a fulfilling trip. The Grand Canyon AND a museum filled with your favorite stuff AND Led Zeppelin III? That's an awesome cluster of goodness.
Your descriptions are, as always, delightful and dead-on. I feel like I've been to the Grand Canyon now. Your humor and enthusiasm and lightheartedness are so so refreshing.
That last pic is priceless. Just priceless.
Incidentally your temperature preferences are perfectly in line with Taos. Even in the summer, it's always in the 50s or 60s (or lower) at night and in the morning. And while we don't have the Grand Canyon, we do have the Rio Grande Gorge.
EC: YOWZER! When you say "event" you aren't kidding! What company of yours is this, anyway? One of the Fortune 500?
So, you're on Holocaust rations. I don't envy you, but I admire your grit. Setting aside the rest of the menu I don't think I could make it a day without snacks. I won't list any here, in case it's torture.
No link from Victoria's, huh? Um, well, I, uh, I wouldn't know.
I don't know about vocabulary like Capote's, but I read a lot when I was a kid. A LOT. A lot a lot. Bunches. That might have something to do with it. I also narcissistically view myself as the world's last great repository of the English language, so I do my level best to find, learn, memorize and spout arcane and little-known verbiage whenever possible. Thanks, though, I think.
"Other Voices, Other Rooms"? Haven't run across that one. Do you recommend it?
Pollinatrix: Thank you very much for saying that. I'm glad you feel that way and took the time to tell me so. I try my best. I appreciate your kind words immensely. Your feedback is useful, too (good to hear I'm doing what I set out to do!).
Yeah, I can't believe that picture came out so well. We got it on the first try. John timed it perfectly.
No kidding! They have COOL places in New Mexico? I did a double-take there when I saw that picture of yours in The Grim Reaper of Angel Fire with SNOW. That sounds marvelous. How grande is the Rio Grande Gorge? I've heard of the river but not that it possessed a gorge.
Thanks for stopping in as always. :)
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