- Thank whomever nominated you for it...
- Post, paste, or patch the award's image onto your own blog...
- Tell your readers seven things they don't yet know about you...
- Pass it along to seven more bloggers...
- And notify them personally when you have done so.
Well, I've done number one and number two. Here goes number three.
- Unlike a deplorably large portion of the male population, I do not prefer blondes. I actually like brunettes and redheads 99% of the time. A notable exception would be...[sigh]...Maria Sharapova. Six feet and two inches of buttery blonde Russian goodness.
- I have broken two bones in my short life: my right wrist (following an ill-fated swing on a forest vine during a Boy Scout trip) and my tailbone (long story). Neither compared to the pain of compressing a disc in my back.
- All of the text messages I send are grammatically correct. Occasionally I'll stoop to using emoticons, but there's none of this "C U LATR" or "I H8 U" or "LOL" or "LOLZ" or "ROTFLMAO" nonsense.
- I have lived in six states: Virginia, Ohio, Tennessee, Wyoming, North Dakota, and California.
- On a related note, I have lived in California for most of my life (eight nonconsecutive years) and have never been to Disneyland. Apparently that's some sort of crime against humanity. You should see the way my fellow Californians' eyeballs bug out when they hear.
- I'm something of a clotheshorse. I have a thing for outerwear in particular. Coats, jackets, vests...all of it. One can never have too many coats; weather comes in all shapes and sizes, y'know. My favorite is the Old West-style duster I picked up from Sportsman's Guide. It's a long brown canvas coat that goes down to mid-calf, with two big camel pockets on the sides and a slit up the back (for riding a horse). I like to wear it on windy days, when it blows out behind me in a dramatic fashion.
- My favorite pizza joint is Papa John's. Pizza Hut just can't cut the mustard anymore. And don't get me started on Domino's...
- The Pollinatrix and her wonderful blog, The Whole Blooming World.
- Smithy, from the fascinating, forthright, globetrotting blog smithyblogs.
- JennyMac, author of the eminently juicy and inherently satirical Let's have a cocktail....
- Entrepreneur Chick, source of the brassy, witty, no-holds-barred blog of the same name.
- Mary Witzl of ResidentAlien, a delightful look into the entertaining, exotic (and sometimes frustrating) life of a chronic expatriate and her family.
- gimme a minute, the anonymous master of all things bleak and ironic at Stranded on Gaia.
- My friend Caleb, the prelate-to-be, getting started early with Thorns.
This concludes our ceremonies for the evening. Please move to the lounge for drinks and light refreshments. Tomorrow: bingo.
Loved your list...I cringe at using anything shorthand in texting. And a clotheshorse? I remember my Father calling me that in high school. I personally love it and find it complimentary. haha.
Congrats on your award. You are a great read thus Superior Scribbler fits you perfectly. And I appreciate you sharing it with me as well as your great description of my blog. Have a great Sunday.
Thank you for this! I don't have this one yet, so I'm especially thrilled with it.
I'm a Californian. My father was born on the land where Disneyland was eventually built -- or so he claimed. And good for you, never having been to Disneyland. I've been half a dozen times and had a blast there, but I'm proud of having traveled all over the States with two kids for a WHOLE SIX WEEKS and not once visiting a McDonald's. Similar accomplishment.
And you'll never catch me ROFLing either; it makes me grit my teeth. I've been told this isn't necessarily something to be proud of, but there it is.
I, on the other hand, grew up in Toronto, Canada, but my family drove to Disney World EVERY SINGLE YEAR - proving that my parents are completely insane. Just kidding. It was a great thing.
Congratulations! And thank you!
You're very much welcome, everyone.
JennyMac: We unique folks find a lot of off-color monikers to be compliments, don't we? I don't suffer from my insanity, I tell people. I enjoy every second of it.
Mary Witzl: Whew. I was worried about you in particular. I thought to myself, "Great, what if I give 'er an award she's already gotten a million times by now?" Thanks for clearing that right up.
Wow! I don't feel so bad now. To have your father be BORN on the ground where Disneyland now stands...and still to have not been there. My hat's off. Let alone the non-McDonald's feat. I have not eaten a McDonald's in years. I'm pleased that there are so many better alternatives out there now. And I think not ROFLing IS admirable.
Pollinatrix: Whoa, you DROVE from Toronto to Disneyland? That must've been scenic. But to do it with some child(ren) on an annual basis...your parents must have stone ears and iron constitutions.
I am honored!
I took a little break from blogging for a few days and became, instead, a PBS FREAK. (Netflix rocks. I watched, "We Shall Remain".) Which I think fits perfectly with that book review you wrote the other day.
Nonetheless, you are too kind to me~ thank you for such a stellar review.
I will be back and will accept the requirements of the award- but I have a few projects to work on for my company today; plus I was thinking of getting eyelash extentions.
Not that I'm saying my eyelashes are more important than this award, yet you do realize I'm blond. My priorities with be forever askew.
No wonder you don't like blonds so much. ;)
Again, thank you SO much!
EC: You're very welcome.
Heh heh, I used to get my Sesame Street fix on PBS all the time as a kid. Even now I love their documentaries. I've been toying with the idea of getting Netflix...seeing as how there are apparently a lot of movies I need to watch...I'll have to look up "We Shall Remain."
You've earned it! Great blog, great writing, great personality, superior scribbler. Like I said, it's a kick to read your stuff.
Ooh, eyelash extensions. As if you weren't pretty enough already. Even if you are blond. ;)
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