Sunday, November 1, 2009

cocktail review no. 16 - Zombie

My folks and I have a sort of deal going now where we go out on the town every month or so and try a new drink. We're hitting all the restaurants with bars and, while our table is prepared, we sit down and suck on a new cocktail that we don't have the materials for at home. This first month, we selected Red Lobster (my brother had sent me a $25 gift card, knowing how I adore seafood) and zombies. So, without further ado, here is the recipe for a zombie. As I am rapidly coming to know, there are as many different versions of drink recipes as there are days in a year, but according to the taste of the Red Lobster Zombie, I believe this might be the most correct.
  • ½ ounce 151-proof rum
  • 1 ounce dark rum
  • 2 ounces light rum
  • 1 ounce pineapple juice
  • 1 ounce orange juice
  • ½ ounce apricot brandy
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 ounce lime juice
  • 1 pineapple slice
These ingredients, as far as I could see, were simply mixed in a highball glass. The pineapple slice was stuck on the rim of the glass as a garnish, obviously. Impressive, eh? There are a couple of oddball ingredients in there that we didn't feel like purchasing a whole bottle of just to make one drink. (I blew way too much bread doing stuff like that in Korea.), on to the review. I mentally composed it in my head as I sipped this drink. It sounds a bit too much like the shallow, twittering copy you'd find on a menu or a brochure, but I nonetheless think it would sound better if I reproduced it verbatim, so:
"If you think every tropical drink is all fruit and no booze, try this one! This drink actually has (no pun intended) some bite to it. The rum lurches up out of the pineapple juice like an undead flesh-eater thrashing its way out of the grave, with just as much murderous intent."
Okay, I did just make up that last sentence on the spot here. But it keeps the whole undead extended metaphor going, don't it?


Carrie said...

I think the menu should be edited to include that last line. ;)

A.T. Post said...

Thanks. I'll take that under advisement.

Susan Carpenter Sims said...

Excuse me while I wipe the drool from my chin.