Sunday, December 27, 2009

Look, Ma! I got another one!

A thousand thanks to JennyMac from Let's have a cocktail... She has presented me with this, my second blogging accolade, the I Give Good Blog Award...because, in her words, all of the people to whom she gave it "contribute something great to BlogWorld." I don't know what I can say, except thankyouthankyouthankyou, JennyMac. That warmed the cockles of my heart. I truly appreciate the thought, the word, and the recognition. Ditto for you, and best regards. You give pretty good blog yourself... As with many other awards going around the blogsphere, this one has some provisos. First, make a cocktail. Then, pick out some of your favorite bloggers. Then, send this award to four of them. Tell them why you think they give good blog (heh heh heh). In JennyMac's words, "There are SO many fascinating, witty, and fantastic bloggers; let's invite them all to the party." Well, I've made myself a cocktail. After somehow going without sweet-and-sour mix for a week, I managed to procure some today while ducking into the local supermarket for dog food. I was finally, finally able to kick back with a whiskey sour this evening, after a long easy day of walking, getting a haircut, and reloading a few hundred Colt .45 cartridges. It was eminently satisfying. Okay, now to pick the four lucky bloggers. This should be simple. There are a lot of good ones out there, blogs that never cease to make me smile, think, or sympathize. These blogs inspire me, encourage me, stimulate me on a fundamental level. And believe me when I say that's not easy to do. I have high standards. These blogs exceed them.
  • Entrepreneur Chick - This witty, fearless lady has multiple business concerns on the go, and is always attending some high-powered function or shindig. She's never at a loss for something smart, funny and feisty to say, nor a pearl of wisdom concerning the business world. If you're a burgeoning entrepreneur yourself, or just want to read about the exploits of a bold and brassy businesswoman, this is the blog for you.
  • The Whole Blooming World - A quiet, beautiful, florid, introspective blog, in which a New Mexico mother, writer and inveterate learner discusses life: its intricacies, its loveliness, its pain, its lessons, its subtleties, and its interconnections.
  • It Was Dark, Stormy and I Lost My Serial Comma - Here is Man. Man has kids. Man has divorce. Man has unusual friends. Man has likes and dislikes. Man has funny addictions. Man has hilarious observations. Man has nothing but the deepest love for his children. Man wears mismatched shoes. Man is good writer. Man is humorous writer. Man is heartstring-tugging writer. Go read. Now.
  • [carrotspeak.] - The lyrically-written account of a Kentucky army fiancĂ©e, her life, her man, her friends, her obsession with Twilight, her worries, her woes, her joys, her highs, and the innermost workings of her heart. She's got so much love and beauty and hope inside that it's almost heartbreaking to read her stuff sometimes...but that, in my opinion, makes it all the more worthwhile. Her words are moving, yet tinged with humor and inherent determination.
Check 'em out, folks. It's worth your while. Them's the rules! However, I think I'll go a step further and tell you about some other blogs I think deserve some honorable mention: Th-th-th-that's all folks! Congratulations to the winners...keep those delectable musings coming.


Mary Witzl said...

Those blogs all sound great and it's not fair: I don't have any time at all nowadays, so it may be some time before I can check them out (or pick up my very own award, for that matter). But thank you for the honorable mention, and I'll be back during semester break. And congratulations!

JennyMac said...

Looking forward to meeting your award winners! And any award you receive is well deserved.

Entrepreneur Chick said...


You're too much! MUAH! xxooxxxo

I'm so happy! Love it!

Entrepreneur Chick said...

I agree, what are we (you) going to do about Polly?

A.T. Post said...

Mrs. Witzl: I know, I know. I understand. You're a busy woman. Those Turkish kids sound like a real handful even on your slow days. I thought long and hard about who would get an award and who wouldn't. Broke my heart to leave you out. I was a bit intimidated, too. You've got so many awards that I don't know what you have and what you don't. I have no doubt that when you get back from break, you'll come out swinging with a real crusher of an entry. Looking forward to your triumphant return. And thanks!
JennyMac: They're a fine bunch. And thanks so very much again.
EC: Thanks very much, friend. You deserve it. XOXO to you too.

Susan Carpenter Sims said...

Wow - thank you! My blog EXCEEDS your standards? I'm incredibly honored.

I'm probably going to break the rules on this one though and not do too much with it. I'm having a hard enough time getting caught up on my regular blogging life, let alone handling an award procedure.

A.T. Post said...

Well, I meant it. And no worries. It's the holidays, after all. And you've just been elected to high office. I imagine you're busy. Just know that you've got the award (and earned it).