Thursday, December 31, 2009

leavin' trunk

A fiend I am for naming blog posts after song titles. "Leavin' Trunk" wasn't written by the Black Keys, but their rendition of it is particularly good. With that out of the way, I'd like to announce that I'll be taking a brief hiatus. I'm going out of town. The 'rents and I are going to visit my great aunt and uncle (Uncle Bob and Aunt Barb) in Benson, Arizona. We'll be gone a few days, and I probably shan't blog (probably). We've got lots of cool stuff planned, and we're going to be living in a trailer. I'll finally get to see what that's like! So, hold all my mail, feed the dogs and put all my records back in the proper order when you're done listening to them. OR ELSE. I'll be checking... And have a very Happy New Year, folks.


Entrepreneur Chick said...

Am waiting for good pics and stories!

Miss you. :-)

A.T. Post said...

Oh-ho-ho, there'll be some GOOD pics coming. Not to mention some stories. I didn't expect this to be such a crazy trip but it sure turned out to be. Gimme a few days, though...

Missed you too. Glad to be back. I trust everything went well in your life (lives?) in my absence?