Friday, December 18, 2009

prelude to a massive update

It's 3:33 p.m. I just woke up from a six-hour nap, which I took after driving the three hours between here and Las Vegas, in the wee hours of the morning, following an all-nighter in that sinful city with a friend from out-of-town. I had been up for nearly 26 hours straight, ate four meals, consumed a cocktail or two, gambled a bit, saw Blue Man Group, and did more walking than was probably wise. This is after my guest and I traveled to Universal Studios (in Los Angeles) and SeaWorld (in San Diego) in two days, and Joshua Tree National Park before that. I am now...a bit pooped. So, anyway, I'm taking the rest of the day to recover, and tomorrow will be given over to the SafeServ course at bartender's school. But, either tonight or Sunday, I will supply you with the first entry regarding this five-day social interlude I was privy to. My thanks to all the interested parties who expressed concern over my general lack of activity over the past week. Your vindication is coming. Stay tuned...

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